
You are home at Acousticool

We take excellent care of artists, providing creative freedom, a fun experience and a small but enthusiastic audience. You will feel the love! Why fight the distractions of a public venue when you can have a room full of people there to focus exclusively on you and your music?

Did we mention that all proceeds go straight to you, the artist? There is no cut for the house; we host live music but we are not part of the music industry.

Plus, we take hospitality seriously — so expect to be treated like the rock star you are! Want to stay overnight? No problem, we have plenty of space. Real space, with beds and privacy.

Post-Show Hang (Bella White, Izzy Heltai, Wallace Field).jpg.JPEG

How we book shows

We book artists based on the music we love the most. We have an extremely small inventory of shows and put a huge amount of work into the series. So we choose the artists who we most want to see perform here, with input from our established series supporters.

Because we are first and foremost a discovery series, we place a huge premium on lifting up our favorite emerging artists. Providing a unique show every time out is also incredibly important to us. So while we do occasionally host our favorite local and regional artists, Acousticool is largely intended for musicians who don’t get many opportunities to play in Connecticut.